designing the future of the internet

e-3 Design / Website Design Studio



site promotion

:: Website Promotion ::

What Site Promotion is: According to e-3 Design
Let us begin by determining what "Site Promotion" means to most people. Site Promotion is loosely defined as, "the process of actively advancing a website on the Internet, through various means (i.e. - search engine submissions, purchasing advertising, generating links on other sites, etc.). This form of Site Promotion is the definition accepted by most people.

At e-3 Design, we have redefined the meaning of the term "Site Promotion". Our definition is tailored to fit the needs of our clients, through our extensive research of their industry online. e-3 Design takes a proactive approach while we are desiging sites for our clients, through researching other sites related to our clients' industries. This research gives our clients a competitive advantage online, as we can develop their site to rise above those of their competitors. Our approach to Site Promotion and development at e-3 Design is unique - we strive to give you more than just a presence online - we will give your site a "name" on the Internet through the high quality site we build for you.

How we Promote Your Site
e-3 Design promotes your site, through our extensive background research of your industry, before and during the development and production process. We research several sites within your industry, which are regarded as the "top players". Documentation is formed on these "top players", which will form a collective overview of your industry's position online. Many companies spend literally millions of dollars on their websites to promote the position of their business image online. We look at the strong points, as well as the weak points of these major businesses and see how we can improve upon what they have done. There is no reason to "reinvent the wheel" when it comes to designing successful websites. While we obviously do not copy websites, we do iimplement some variations of the ideas used by others, as well as many of our own design ideas. We implement improvements on current design directly within the website we build for you - and you do not have to pay us millions for your finished image!

Proven Results of our Site Promotion Methodology
Our methodolgy has proven itself to be one of the most successful ways in promoting the image of any business online. Through our signature website "", we have implemented all of these processes, which have led to great success. Before we began building (a premier professional photography site), we performed extensive research within the photography industry online. We studied dozens of photography related sites, as well as those which were not related to the photography industry (these sites included several multinational corporations,with $1 million+ in online budget procurements). Through our research, we were able to determine what was, and was not working in the industry online.

Just one year after launching on the Internet, we found the site in a position among the top 10 photography resource sites in the world. This was accomplished with absolutely no money being spent on advertising. Our efforts of proactive design, along with focused targeting of the market, led to the quick success of

While we are not capable of providing the type of Site Promotion discussed within the "general definition of Site Promotion", we can provide your business with a site, which is designed to stand out from the crowd within your industry. This is the e-3 Design definition of Site Promotion. We cannot guarantee the overall success of your website, but we can guarantee that it will be top notch design, and user friendly.

e-3 Design will first consult with you to determine what you need in a site, and then we will research the websites of the "top players" within your industry. We will then develop your website to your specifications. The end result will be a website, which will be one of the most well designed in your industry - period.

Take a look at our cutting-edge portfolio to see what we can do for you.


PH: 937.396.0587