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We will meet your needs in professional site design...
Do you need a website to complement your photography? Sure you do! As we all know, first impressions last a lifetime, and if your website does not reflect your professionalism in photography, then you could be losing clients and sales.

With years of experience in website design and professional imaging, we know what it takes to impress your clients. A website that looks average, or worse, will not make a good first impression on current, or would-be clients. Why not hire a professional to take care of all the details of making you look good online, while you concentrate on what you do best - photography.

We give you the full package at A great website for your photography; preferred listings in our Photographer List to drive more traffic to your new site; a free magazine subscription and free tee shirt (for those purchasing our Silver and Gold packages); and a whole lot more!

The "I am a designer, because I have Frontpage," Syndrome...
Let's face it, we all have been to websites where the graphics and layout have been designed by amateurs. Many of the websites on the Internet today could use a lot of help when it comes to good design principles.

The layout and navigation are hard to follow, and visitors become confused and irritated and they run from the site as fast as they can - never (yes, never) to return again. If you currently have a A potential client running from a websitewebsite and you notice that the majority of your visitors are staying for 1-2 minutes, or less, then you may have a serious problem. You could be losing a great deal of clients (and cash) due to the design and structure of your site. Stop people from running away from your site. Let us design a site for you that will retain your visitors for longer periods of time, and get you more sales!

We are geared to help Professional Photographers online...
Most website design firms do not know the first thing about professional photography. These firms are set up to produce sites for anyone and any business that comes their way. At, our mission is to help professional photographers with their quest to become recognized online. We specialize in creating professional photography websites, which are a cut above the rest. As professional photographers ourselves, we have great insight into the needs of professional photographers and we know what it takes to capture the attention of visitors who are interested in your photography.

Why do I need you? I can create my own site...
As we said earlier, unless you are a professional designer, with thousands of hours of experience in the subtle (and not so subtle) nuances of online design, you should leave it to the professionals to take care of your site. Let us show you an example:

You have a dream of becoming a professional photographer, so you go to your local camera store "The Shutter Shop" and investigate the types of cameras that could turn you into an instant pro photographer. Joe (The Shutter Shop's world-class camera salesman) convices you that he has just what you need. Within minutes, you become the proud owner of a Pentax K-1000, and you are ready to show the world what you can do with your new, "super camera". Joe throws in a roll of film with your camera purchase, and off you go, shooting everything that finds its way into your viewfinder.

After a few hours of creating some of the best images known to man with your new "super camera", you drop your elegant creations off at the The Shutter Shop and rush home to tell your family all about the amazing, award-winning images you just created. An hour later, you rush back to Shutter's to see the results of your handiwork. To your astonishment, the clerk behind the counter tells you that not one image on your roll of film was exposed properly, and all you have is one long roll of blank film.

Depressed and confused, you ask the clerk, "how could this happen? Joe told me I would be shooting just like a pro with the camera he sold me." The clerk smiles and replies, "it's not just the equipment that makes you a pro, it is what you know. Practice and experience are what you need now."

Practice and experience - At we have more than 10,000 hours of practice and hands-on experience in web design and custom programming. We are "pros" in this business. Let us take care of your site needs, while you create the professional images you have learned to create with all of your pratice and experience :-)

Learn more about our special design offers for you...
Check out the sections below to learn more about what we can offer you. Our staff is ready and willing to assist you in taking your online image to new heights!

Design Overview - overview of our services
Review Our Portfolio - our portfolio of designs
Website Hosting - we can host your site as well
Pricing - learn about our pricing
Order Hosting - request hosting with
Contact Us - free quote / analysis for your website

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Testimonials. Visitor/Member Comments: News about us!


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