"Fresh Time" by Ciro Antinozzi
Time: This shot named "Fresh Time" was fully
realized at my photographic studio, where I'm used to employing
some Speedotron electronic flashes and some "windowlights"
by Bowens and diffuser boxes. This picture was realized by joining
the shot of the fishes in the water and the shots of the hook
and the clock. The shots were token by using a Nikon F3 and
F5 with two different sets of light and a 105mm micro Nikkor
for the two situations.
Usually, I work in this case with
Kodak Ektachrome 64 Pro Daylight because it seems to be very
neutral and grainless. Going on, the next step was to scan the
developed film by a filmscanner (historically I work on a Polaroid
and I always remember during the shoting to keep down the contrast
between the lights to help the future digital operations).
Later, I manipulated all aspects
of this image with Adobe Photoshop on a Macintosh G4. However,
I think the final product is a consequence of the experience
and of a project of the mind.The exposure was taken with a Minolta
Flashmeter IV. The measure of the final picture is 63cmx43cm
at 250 dpi, an equivalent of 100,2 mb (closed as tiff CMYK).
The digital processing had a time of 8 hours approach.
At the least I can resume the phases
in four steps:
1) Think a little off your mind
2) Lay down all of your project on a paperbook
3) Find the materials and the objects
4) Pay attention to the light directions
About the Author:
Born in Salerno, Italy in 1953. In 1980, Ciro Antinozzi received
a Geological degree. He became a professional photographer in
1984. Ciro Antinozzi works in Salerno in his photographic studio,
where he produces still life , foods and people.
Ciro's slide archive includes over
twenty thousand photographs, which have been electronically
catalogued and distibuted all over the world by international
agencies (Italy,Germany,U.S.A.,Mexico, Singapore, New Zealand).
His shoots have been used by advertising agencies, such as Saatchi
& Saatchi, Leo Burnett, Ted Bates, Ata Univas and others.
Ciro Antinozzi usually works with
three photographic formats, including five Nikon bodies and
many lenses, two Hasselblads and a Sinar body with all the required
lenses for everything.
Ciro Antinozzi's works are usually
made by digital machines (Macintoshes and Polaroid scanners).
Ciro's favorite photographers include Ryszard Horowitz and Cheyco
You can see more of Ciro's work in his Profotos
to see Ciro's Profotos Portfolio