There's no better place
to celebrate the Summer Solstice than the Mermaid Parade
at Coney Island, so this year my boyfriend Tod and I packed
up our cameras and hopped the train. Coney Island is a great
place for photo ops at any time, but the Mermaid Parade
is perhaps the most fun and this year's 20th Anniversary
parade was terrific! We've shot the Mermaids on film, video
and even on Super 8, but this year we took our Holgas. For
readers who aren't familiar with the Holga, we'll turn back
to the camera in a moment. First, let's review the parade.
Mermaids and Mermen of every description show up for the
parade. There are prizes for the best Mermaid, best Neptune,
best Little Mermaid, best float, best classic car and others.
The costumes are fabulous – some of which we can't show
here on our family-rated pages! After the Parade, the King
and Queen lead the crowd down to the beach and ceremonially
open the beach for the summer. It's a wild and wacky party
with contestants trying to bribe the judges, total chaos
at the parade start and never a dull moment once the parade
begins. All this with an amusement park for a backdrop –
you just can't beat it for a fun day in the sun.
The mermaids march down the boardwalk on foot and if you're
really good at maneuvering, you can catch that part of the
parade and then catch the totally creative floats and mermaid-draped
classic cars driving by on Surf Avenue. There's a photographers'
pit set up near the Cyclone and if you pay a photographer's
fee, you can get some shots before the parade starts. While
I gladly support the parade and don't mind paying the fee,
I prefer taking pics during the actual parade. Most of my
shots in the photo pit had other photographer's heads in
Coney Island has an incredible
history and it is still a wonderful place to visit. The
Cyclone Roller Coaster is 75 years old this year and Deno's
150 foot tall Wonder Wheel still goes round and round after
82 years! The tower of the landmarked Parachute Jump, built
for the 1939 World's Fair and later moved to Coney Island,
still stands tall. Dick Zigun and the crew of Coney Island
USA deserve much of the credit for keeping the Coney spirit
alive with Sideshows by the Seashore, The Coney Island Museum,
music shows, Burlesque shows, history lectures and the Mermaid
Parade. On the beautiful carousel, kids can still catch
the brass ring and adults will like it because it goes really
Coney is changing fast. A new multi-million dollar subway
station is being built there. The new Keyspan Park stadium
is now home to the Brooklyn Cyclones baseball team, but
to make room for the ballpark the Thunderbolt Roller Coaster,
built in the 20's, was demolished. Unfortunately, landmark
status for this coaster did not come through before the
demolition. While change and progress are good, sometimes
in the process neighborhoods can lose their character and
charm and important pieces of their history – Times Square
for example. I'm hoping Coney can keep its history intact
and maintain its character. It was there in full swing at
the Mermaid Parade this year!
Check out the Resource List at the end of this article for
more Coney Island information. There's something there for
The Holga
The Holga is
a cheaply-made medium format plastic camera. There is some
disagreement as to whether this camera, made in China, was
originally designed as a toy or simply a very inexpensive
plastic camera, but most people call it a toy, The Holga
is famous for its uncontrollable light leaks, soft images
and vignetting, but artists and pro photographers alike
love the Holga aesthetic. The Holga makes magic!
A Holga can be purchased for a mere $15 to $20. It uses
120 medium format color or black-and-white film. There are
two models – the 120S, which has a hot shoe as a flash option
and the 120SF with flash. All the photos on this page were
shot with the Holga 120S; some were shot in the smaller
format, some in the 6 x 6 format – more on that later.
Focus and Exposure
The Holga's shutter speed is about 1/100th of a second
and it has two aperture settings, one for full sun and one
for cloudy days, so your choice is either f/8 or f/11. The
camera has four focus settings, but you can also set your
own focus somewhere in between these four. These icons are
on the lens barrel.
Lone person icon, approximately 3 feet
Mommy, daddy and child icon, 9 feet
Bunch of people icon, 18 feet
Mountain icon, 30 feet to infinity
Film Choices
The color shots from the Mermaid Parade were taken
with Fujicolor Reala 100 and Fujicolor NPH 400 and the black
and white with Agfapan APX 100. BUT this was a very, very
bright sunny day at the beach. Ordinarily, I would recommend
using a 400 speed film. Play around with different film
stocks and find the ones you like best. If you want to shoot
in low light, you can try Fujicolor NHG II 800 or Ilford
Delta 3200. You can also use infrared film in the Holga,
tape a red #25 filter over the lens. Or you can try your
luck with slide film.
Format Choices
First decide if you would like to shoot using the
6 x 4.5cm format or the 6 x 6 format. If you choose the
6 x 4.5cm format, you're ready to load the camera. For 6
x 6, you need to modify the camera a bit. Here's how to
do it – slide the metal clips down and remove the camera
back. Look inside the camera and you will see a square plastic
insert. Remove it. It pops out easily. Save it because you
may decide you want to put it back in later. There are now
several holes visible inside the camera. Put small pieces
of black tape over these holes. Get a small regular screwdriver.
You need to move the arrow on the camera back from 16 to
12. (You get 16 shots with the 6 x 4.5cm format, 12 shots
with the 6 x 6). Push the arrow from 16 to 12 with the screwdriver,
being very careful not to damage the red window. Now you're
ready to load your film.
Note: When using the 6 x 6 format, without the frame inside
the camera, there is little left to hold the film in place
as it advances, and more chance of loosely wound film. You
can carefully jam small pieces of cardboard in under the
bottom of the film spools to lessen the problem. With the
6 x 6 format you will also get more vignetting. If that
bothers you, you can crop as we did with some of the photos

Loading and Unloading the Camera
Note: It's always best to load and unload your camera
in subdued light.
The empty take up reel should be on the right side. Place your
new spool of film in the left side, pull the beginning of
the film over and insert the edge into the take up reel
on the right. Keep your finger on the spool and wind the
film a bit. Replace the camera back, put the metal clips
back in and wind the film. You will see dots and arrows
and then a number 1. It's a good idea to place a piece of
black tape over the red window to minimize light leaks.
Make it like a little tab you just lift up when you're ready
to rewind your film. Then push it back down. Keep the foil
and the box the film came in.
When your roll is finished, advance the film until the film
is completely wound on the take up spool. You can usually
feel when it's done. Take off the metal clips, remove the
back and take out your exposed film. Remember that this
is best done in low light. Fold back the leader and lick
the paper to seal it. You now have to put the empty spool
on the right side and you're read to load a new roll of
film. If the paper backing and film does not appear to be
tightly wound around the spool, pull it tight and wind up
any remainder. Put your exposed film back in the foil and
box that you saved and then tape the box shut to protect
your film.
Using Black Tape to Tape Up the
The metal clips that hold the camera back on are
apt to slip and fall off and if that happens, the camera
might come apart and ruin your film. You can try bending
the clips so they hold better or you can tape them on. If
you want to minimize light leaks, put strips of black tape
wherever the camera parts meet. Take a look at the camera
and you'll see where light leaks might occur. It's up to
you whether you want to tape or not. Taping doesn't guarantee
there won't be any light leaks, but it can help minimize
It's a good idea to take several loaded Holgas with you
when you're shooting an event like the Mermaid Parade –
especially, if you tape up your camera. Personally, I like
some light leaks so I tape up parts of the camera and leave
some places untaped. When taking these photos, Tod didn't
use any tape at all, allowing the light leaks to occur naturally.
With no tape to remove, he actually reloaded his 2 cameras
five times during the parade and I was stuck with my two
pre-loaded rolls of film, not wanting to miss any of the
parade while removing the tape from my camera! Lesson learned
– different occasions require different tactics!
A word of advice on tape, get the kind that's not too sticky
or you'll have a giant mess on your hands. Black gaffer's
tape works well. After you shoot your first roll, you'll
find where the light leaks are coming from and what you
like and don't like. It's all up to you so your pics are
as individual as your Holga!
Note: About that lens cap, I tossed mine immediately. It's
easy to forget to remove it and your camera's plastic lens
isn't exactly that new Tamron you just purchased.
Remember when shooting with a Holga that you may
lose a bit on the edges of the film, this is the classic
vignetting effect. I like to fill the frame and whatever
falls off, so be it. You'll see what you like after your
first roll. You may want to manipulate your images later
in a program like Photoshop. In the photo of the mermaid
on the beach, Tod blurred the background to achieve selective
focus on the mermaid's pink dress and the wonderful shadows
on the beach. I made a blurred version of the pic of the
little girl blowing bubbles but decided I like the original
photo better.
Quirks and Minor Miracles
For normal shots, advance the film after each shot,
but you can also expose the film several times and get intentional
multiple image shots like these. Forgetting to advance the
film, once, or even twice, can sometimes result in incredible
unintentional multiple images. The soft focus can add a
dreamy quality to your shots like in the ferris wheel photo.
You may unintentionally get a 3D effect as in this double
image shot. Sometimes loosely wound film can have interesting
effects too – bits and pieces of one frame can end up in
the next frame and even combine to form a sort of fake panorama
shot. It's all magic! If you experiment with panoramas,
you can ask a custom lab to process the film but not cut
it. That way you can decide how to crop your images.
Once you're familiar with your Holga – every one is different
and comes with its own quirks – you will know how to fix
it up so it works best for you. Google up a search on the
Net to see what modifications people have made to their
Holgas. Even if you can't make it out to Coney Island, try
capturing some mermaids where you live – remember, shooting
with a Holga is fun!
Coney Island History
Jeff Stanton's Coney Island history site:
Adam Sandy's Coney Island page:
A great film about Coney Island history: Coney Island:
A Film by Ric Burns
Available at, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and
Coney Island Today
Coney Island USA (check out the links page also).
Astroloand Amusement Park
Deno's Wonder Wheel
Where to Buy a Holga
B & H
International Center for Photography (click on Store)
Freestyle Camera