Fiery sunsets, rugged coastlines, colorful wildflowers and much more is included within professional photographer, Hilary Lang's Profotos portfolio. With many disciplines under her belt, Hilary Lang is a photographer at the top of her game.
With a background in theatrical lighting, Hilary made a jump into the professional photography field after being "called" by the practice for several years. This is the first time our staff has ever come across a photographer, who has moved into the field from a career in theatre, but it was definitely a good career move for Hilary. The work in her photography portfolio is simply outstanding!
One of the most interesting aspects of Hilary's work lies within her ability to capture the essence and beauty of her subjects at just the right time. Many of Hilary's images exhibit a beautiful "aura" about them, which almost allows us to see into the inner nature of the subjects within her images. While this depiction of Hilary's work may sound a bit vague, it does represent what we believe Hilary's photography is striving to achieve - an understanding of the essence of each subject she photographs. This "essence" contributes to the overall mood we feel through each of Hilary's images.
Browse through Hilary's portfolio and take your time, while you interpret the fine characteristics of each photograph. Appreciation of the details is a must in this stellar portfolio!,Fiery sunsets, rugged coastlines, colorful wildflowers and much more is included within professional photographer, Hilary Lang's Profotos portfolio. With many disciplines under her belt, Hilary Lang is a photographer at the top of her game.
With a background in theatrical lighting, Hilary made a jump into the professional photography field after being "called" by the practice for several years. This is the first time our staff has ever come across a photographer, who has moved into the field from a career in theatre, but it was definitely a good career move for Hilary. The work in her photography portfolio is simply outstanding!
One of the most interesting aspects of Hilary's work lies within her ability to capture the essence and beauty of her subjects at just the right time. Many of Hilary's images exhibit a beautiful "aura" about them, which almost allows us to see into the inner nature of the subjects within her images. While this depiction of Hilary's work may sound a bit vague, it does represent what we believe Hilary's photography is striving to achieve - an understanding of the essence of each subject she photographs. This "essence" contributes to the overall mood we feel through each of Hilary's images.
Browse through Hilary's portfolio and take your time, while you interpret the fine characteristics of each photograph. Appreciation of the details is a must in this stellar portfolio!,Hilary began her photography career while she was working as a theatrical lighting designer in Boston. While still in school, Hilary quickly realized that to build a lighting designer's portfolio, she had two options: beg or borrow an SLR camera from someone, learn to use it, and take her own portfolio shots; or pay rather hefty amounts to a professional photographer. Being a student, and therefore broke, and being curious about photography and technology, the latter was not appealing to Hilary. She asked her parents for a half a camera for Christmas that year, and found under the Christmas tree a shoebox...with a half a disposable camera. (Hilary's father was rather a practical jokester, and had gotten creative with a sharp object.) Underneath the camera was a gift certificate for a very basic manual SLR camera from the local camera store. And so Hilary began.
Though Hilary no longer works as a lighting designer and her equipment has changed somewhat, the influence of her lighting background is still noticeable in her work. She found that the switch from theatrical lighting into photography was an easy and natural one, albeit a rather uncommon one. The ease with which she uses and manipulates both natural and artificial light to establish a mood, evoke a response, and highlight key elements in each of her shots was learned while in theater and continues to serve Hilary well.
Other readily apparent characteristics of Hilary's work are her sensitivity to the subject matter, be it animal, mineral, plant, or human. She strives in every shot to capture the essence of the subject and the feeling of the moment. She accomplishes this both outdoors and in the studio, under all types of light and in all types of conditions. Hilary's art courses in college and her natural artistic bent are also apparent in her ability to judge when to follow the "rules", whether with composition, lighting, or color, and when it may be more appropriate to break them.
Working independently suits Hilary well. She thrives under her own management and bears up extremely well in high-pressure situations. She is naturally independent and thoroughly enjoys disappearing occasionally into the woods for days, weeks, or even months. She will inevitably emerge some distance up the trail, bruised and wet but still usually smiling, looking for a nearby town with a convenient shower and a dry place to stay for a night or two before disappearing onto the trail again. In fact, many of Hilary's best photographs and stories have come from her forays into the woods.
In her 'free' time, Hilary also does graphic and web design work, acts both onstage and behind the scenes with in a local theater company, and enjoys playing the drums - loudly. She has been blessed with her mother's artistry and creative talents, her father's technical and professional skills, strong organizational skills from both parents, and, most importantly, an unmatched sense of humor which has served her well and which is frequently apparent in her photographic, design, and writing style.