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March 14, 2008
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Photography Books
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to help you creat better images. Treat yourself to the gift of better
photography through reading!
- Ellen Boyer
My life changed drastically about 15 years ago when I walked into a photography store to replace a stolen camera. Not only did I replace the camera, but I also enrolled in a photography workshop. From that moment, my life has been completely consumed by the art of photography.
Everything I see, everywhere I go I see a picture…I am constantly seeking and striving to capture the beauty that nature has to offer...something we so often take for granted.
I have been inspired by many a great photographer, and must honestly say that Daryl Benson has been my “Ansel Adams…”
It has been an incredible journey thus far; this passion in my life, the challenge of capturing the perfect moment when light creates magic and that magic becomes a picture. I am grateful to have been given this opportunity to share my story with you and I hope you enjoy viewing my work as much as I have enjoyed creating it.
Images from Ellen's Profotos Portfolio
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