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January 19, 2002
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- Debbie Ferrell
Debbie Ferrell Debbies' love of nature photography began when she was in high school. A Pentax K1000 camera and small selection of lenses enabled her to capture the beauty of her grandmother's flower gardens.
Debbie now uses a Canon 1D Mark III body with an EF 500/4.0L IS super-telephoto lens for most of her bird and wildlife photography. Canon's EF 100-400 400/5.6L is her lens of choice for capturing birds in-flight and mammals. When necessary, she uses the Canon 1.4 or 2X teleconverter for a larger image size. For close flower or insect photography, she gets many of her desired effects using Canon's 180mm lens. Her equipment is mounted on a Gitzo 1348 tripod with an Arca Swiss ballhead and Wimberley Sidekick. You can view Debbie's images at www.debbieferrell.com
Images from Debbie's Profotos Portfolio
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