Member Since:
May 12, 2005
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Photography Books
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to help you creat better images. Treat yourself to the gift of better
photography through reading!
- Doug Gould
Doug Gould was born July 11, 1959 in Detroit, MI.
His love for photography began at the age of fourteen, while taking three years of film-based classes in high school. Opting for a career in construction, photography became but a passionate hobby for the next 25 years. He ran his own businesses in the sheet metal industry for fifteen years in Charlotte, NC, never finding the passion in his work that he longed for. Then fate stepped in. At the age of 43, he fell from a ladder, breaking eight bones in his back. Following six months of rehabilitation, he decided the smart decision was to begin a new career which matched his passion and photography was the obvious choice. He revamped his knowledge with courses in digital photography, as well as advanced creative classes. He has since moved to Ensenada, Mexico, where he sells his images locally, as well as internationally through his website. His long term project is to publish a photographic study of the Baja California Peninsula.
Images from Doug's Profotos Portfolio
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3712 Main St
PMB 224
Chula Vista,
PH: 011-52-646-154-2845