February, 2004 - Feature Books
Professional Photoguide 
From Darren Chong (reader)
This is a very technical book, those dipping into
photography as a beginner will really yawn fast. In short not
for learning but as a technical reference.
Excellent information on everything I can think
of, data tables, charts, dials, formulas. In fact got me learning
new stuff on light metering and exposure.
An initial problem is that the filters are referred
in Kodak terms and Wratten, eg 20B, 30R, 20C etc...kinda confusing
at times, I still don't quite it much of the time (too lazy perhaps)
but minor glitch. One other thing is, read it before you go for
the trip! Can really get messy if you need info in a hurry. Really
thoughtful that a gray card is included but I prefer the neat
idea that the Nat. Geographic Field Guide team did; inside covers
acting as gray cards! cool.
Saying it as a field guide would be a bit of overstatement,
at least for my purpose. The cover is so thin and binding so flimsy
that I wonder what the publisher and author are thinking. I had
to reinforce it with tapes and thick cardboard, maybe some wont
need it but people like me who carry the camera in a watertight
bag in one hand and go backpacking might just need to do these.
I wish it's smaller (thicker is not a problem) but alas, one can
never please everybody...
Get this book, even if you think you won't need
it (like me), you might just learn new tricks never thought of
or come across your mind.
Essentials of Nature Photography
by Milton Heiberg
From Publisher
The Essentials of Nature Photography follows the
general format of the course outline that the author has used
in his classes at the New York City Audubon Society since 1981.
Some of the topics covered are:
Landscapes: Composition, form, lighting, weather.
. .
Telephoto: Action shots with autofocus cameras,
wild animals, captives, flying birds. . .
Macrophotography: Theory & technique with
wildflowers and insects. . .
Digital manipulation: Retouching, creativity vs
truth in nature, and ethics & honesty. . .
Organization and presentation: Portfolios, interviews,
slide shows, storage and record keeping. . . This book is meant
to be read and used as a reference by any photographer, novice
or professional, who wants to improve his or her nature photography
skills. The emphasis is on nature, and includes everything one
needs to know about practical technique, theory, ethics, and philosophy
of nature photography.
Ansel Adams Guide : Basic Techniques of Photography
by Ansel Adams, John Paul Schaefer, John P. Shaefer
From Publisher
This introductory book, aimed at the serious novice
photographer, is based upon Ansel Adams' theories about and techniques
for visualizing and making a photograph. Using the impressive
store of Adams' writings--including his noted advanced series--Schaefer
offers the master's views on the artistic, practical, and technical
aspects of photography. 378 illustrations, 38 in color; 152 technical
Adventures to Imagine : Thrilling Escapes in North America (1st
Ed) by Peter Guttman
From Amazon.com
The key to a sublime vacation is a good imagination.
But let's face it, when you need a rest the most is not when your
creativity is firing on all cylinders. That is when Adventure
to Imagine is the handiest. Peter Guttman has captured 28 types
of adventures in stunning, inspiring photography. From cattle-driving
roundups to iceboating, hot air ballooning to llama trekking,
Guttman's pictures depict the excitement and the beauty of adventures
around the world; lucid prose fills in the gaps. While enjoying
Guttman's photography from the comfort of your sofa, you get to
try on for size diverse vacations, fantasize to your heart's content,
and choose the one that suits you best.