Photo Interests - Nature
Essentials of Nature Photography
by Milton Heiberg 
From Publisher
The Essentials of Nature Photography follows the
general format of the course outline that the author has used in
his classes at the New York City Audubon Society since 1981. Some
of the topics covered are:
Landscapes: Composition, form, lighting, weather.
. .
Telephoto: Action shots with autofocus cameras,
wild animals, captives, flying birds. . .
Macrophotography: Theory & technique with wildflowers
and insects. . .
Digital manipulation: Retouching, creativity vs
truth in nature, and ethics & honesty. . .
Organization and presentation: Portfolios, interviews,
slide shows, storage and record keeping. . . This book is meant
to be read and used as a reference by any photographer, novice or
professional, who wants to improve his or her nature photography
skills. The emphasis is on nature, and includes everything one needs
to know about practical technique, theory, ethics, and philosophy
of nature photography.