Travel Guides - Exotic Places
Fodors Adventures to Imagine : Thrilling Escapes in North America
(1st Ed)
by Peter Guttman 
The key to a sublime vacation is a good imagination.
But let's face it, when you need a rest the most is not when your
creativity is firing on all cylinders. That is when Adventure to
Imagine is the handiest. Peter Guttman has captured 28 types of
adventures in stunning, inspiring photography. From cattle-driving
roundups to iceboating, hot air ballooning to llama trekking, Guttman's
pictures depict the excitement and the beauty of adventures around
the world; lucid prose fills in the gaps. While enjoying Guttman's
photography from the comfort of your sofa, you get to try on for
size diverse vacations, fantasize to your heart's content, and choose
the one that suits you best.
Exotic Places Books
America's Wild and Wonderful Tourist Attractions
By: Doug Kirby.