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The Profotos Photography WebRing

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Welcome to the Profotos Photography WebRing
"Driving Quality Traffic to YOUR Photography website!"

Before we begin describing our WebRing details with you, we would like to ask you three very important questions:

  1. Do You Own a Photography Site?
  2. Do You Desire an Increase in Quality Traffic on YOUR Photography Site?
  3. Would You Like to Promote YOUR Photography Site for FREE?

--If you answered "Yes" to these questions, then the Profotos Photography WebRing is Exactly what YOU need!

What is the Profotos Photography WebRing?

The Profotos Photography WebRing is basically a "network" of photography sites on the Internet, which are linked together by a small HTML fragment. The links allow you to travel from one site to the next within the ring and eventually end up on the site you started on.

What will the Profotos WebRing do for me?

If you own a photography-related website, then our WebRing could do a lot of wonderful things for your website traffic! The main idea behind our WebRing is to drive quality traffic to photography sites on the Internet. This is accomplished through the HTML fragment, which we mentioned in the previous question. This 'fragment' is placed on the front page of each site in the WebRing and it serves as a link to all of the member sites within the Ring.

By effectively "linking" to each site within the WebRing, your site could see a large increase in traffic in a relatively short amount of time. Visitors to your site will find it convenient to be able to browse through the other sites in the ring, which you are linked to. You will be providing your visitors with additional photo sites for them to view, while the other sites in the ring do the same for you! It is a real win-win situation for everybody involved!

What do you Require to Join the WebRing?

We only have four requirements for photographers wishing to join our WebRing. These are:

  1. An active photography website.
  2. Agreement to the terms and conditions found within the "WebRing Rules". You may click here to review these terms and conditions for inclusion.
  3. Completion of our WebRing Form
  4. Addition of the HTML fragment to the front page of your site (this fragment will be emailed to you when you complete our form)

Sign me Up! I am Ready to Join!

Great! If you are ready to become a part of one of the fastest growing Photography WebRings on the Internet today, then all you need to do is read our WebRing rules and click here to fill out our form.

Within 1-3 business days of completing our form, one of our staff members will contact you via email, and let you know whether or not your site met the requirements for inclusion (most photography sites are accepted within our WebRing, however, they must abide by the WebRing rules to be accepted).


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